📄️ Astra DB Chat Memory
For longer-term persistence across chat sessions, you can swap out the default in-memory chatHistory that backs chat memory classes like BufferMemory for Astra DB.
📄️ Cassandra Chat Memory
For longer-term persistence across chat sessions, you can swap out the default in-memory chatHistory that backs chat memory classes like BufferMemory for a Cassandra cluster.
📄️ Cloudflare D1-Backed Chat Memory
This integration is only supported in Cloudflare Workers.
📄️ Convex Chat Memory
For longer-term persistence across chat sessions, you can swap out the default in-memory chatHistory that backs chat memory classes like BufferMemory for Convex.
📄️ DynamoDB-Backed Chat Memory
For longer-term persistence across chat sessions, you can swap out the default in-memory chatHistory that backs chat memory classes like BufferMemory for a DynamoDB instance.
📄️ Firestore Chat Memory
For longer-term persistence across chat sessions, you can swap out the default in-memory chatHistory that backs chat memory classes like BufferMemory for a firestore.
📄️ IPFS Datastore Chat Memory
For a storage backend you can use the IPFS Datastore Chat Memory to wrap an IPFS Datastore allowing you to use any IPFS compatible datastore.
📄️ Momento-Backed Chat Memory
For distributed, serverless persistence across chat sessions, you can swap in a Momento-backed chat message history.
📄️ MongoDB Chat Memory
Only available on Node.js.
📄️ Motörhead Memory
Motörhead is a memory server implemented in Rust. It automatically handles incremental summarization in the background and allows for stateless applications.
📄️ PlanetScale Chat Memory
Because PlanetScale works via a REST API, you can use this with Vercel Edge, Cloudflare Workers and other Serverless environments.
📄️ Postgres Chat Memory
For longer-term persistence across chat sessions, you can swap out the default in-memory chatHistory for a Postgres Database.
📄️ Redis-Backed Chat Memory
For longer-term persistence across chat sessions, you can swap out the default in-memory chatHistory that backs chat memory classes like BufferMemory for a Redis instance.
📄️ Upstash Redis-Backed Chat Memory
Because Upstash Redis works via a REST API, you can use this with Vercel Edge, Cloudflare Workers and other Serverless environments.
📄️ Xata Chat Memory
Xata is a serverless data platform, based on PostgreSQL. It provides a type-safe TypeScript/JavaScript SDK for interacting with your database, and a
📄️ Zep Open Source Memory
Recall, understand, and extract data from chat histories. Power personalized AI experiences.
📄️ Zep Cloud Memory
Recall, understand, and extract data from chat histories. Power personalized AI experiences.